CTCI – MQ Subscriber Resource Page


As an optional enhancement to the existing computer-to-computer interface (CTCI) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) interface, NASDAQ is offering customers the ability to implement IBM WebSphere MQ (formerly MQ Series) middleware over their TCP/IP circuits. IBM WebSphere MQ is a commercially available messaging product that provides firms with the ability to integrate disparate systems over a common messaging infrastructure. NASDAQ has expanded system resources and technical support to adequately maintain the CTCI – MQ product.

IBM WebSphere MQ offers the following advantages when used over a CTCI connection:

  • Provides firms the ability to integrate disparate systems over a common messaging infrastructure
  • Ability to make coding for any messaging task more straightforward
  • Supports over 35 mainframe platforms
  • Prevalent customer support as IBM WebSphere MQ is offered by over 500 vendors


This document describes how a subscriber can submit and receive CTCI messages utilizing the NASDMS (Switch) through WebSpere MQ (formerly MQ Series) Middleware using WebSphere MQ API calls over TCP/IP protocol. This document also describes the required CTCI-MQ intercommunication specifics for a subscriber. Customers must adhere to the guidelines of the specification to ensure proper implementation of WebSphere MQ via CTCI.


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