Overview - Market Data Vendors
Market data vendors offer securities professionals and investors a window to trading activity on Nasdaq, Inc. Through vendor services, individuals and corporations may obtain access to real-time quotation, trade and market summary data for the major global equity and options markets. In addition, vendors offer a variety of value-added services such as market news, historical statistics, company profiles and analytical research.
More than 100 vendors are also authorized to distribute real-time Nasdaq market data to the public. To meet the needs of investors, vendors utilize a variety of communication services to disseminate market data. Some of these service options include dedicated computer terminals, data feeds, pagers and the Internet.
Nasdaq Market Data Vendors
As a service to users, the Nasdaq Trader website provides links to real-time market data vendors. To help facilitate the selection of a real-time data provider, the vendors have indicated which of the following service levels are supported on their products:
Entitlement | Description of Data Access |
TotalView | Nasdaq TotalView — the standard Nasdaq data feed for serious traders — displays the full order book depth for Nasdaq market participants. TotalView also disseminates the Net Order Imbalance Indicator (NOII) for the Nasdaq Opening and Closing Crosses and Nasdaq IPO/Halt Cross. For more information on TotalView, please refer to the Nasdaq TotalView page. |
Level 2 | Level 2 provides the top-of-file position for Nasdaq exchange participants. In 2007, Nasdaq expanded the Level 2 product to include market participant depth in NYSE- and other U.S. regional exchange-listed securities. |
Due to the high level of customer inquiries, vendors were asked to indicate if they offered a data feed or Internet-based product. Please contact the vendor directly for product pricing and ordering information.
Market Data Related Technology Providers
Market Data Technology Providers provide support services for the traditional distribution of market data. These firms may provide off-the-shelf presentation display software, entitlement control software, ticker plant software or other services in support of distributing market data.
Nasdaq Global Data Products does not endorse any particular vendor service. External distributors that offer real-time Nasdaq market data may establish a link from the Market Data Vendors page at no charge by contacting their Nasdaq Global Data Products Account Manager.
For information on direct real-time data feed products, refer to the Products & Services — Real-Time Data section of this website.
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